Supporting Health with Feeding America
Overall health is more than just feeding your body with the best food and nourishment you can find. It's also about helping support your neighbors, your community, and this beautiful planet on which we live.
True Citrus is proud to partner with Feeding America, the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity. Their mission is to nourish those who don't know where their next meal is coming from through a network of nationwide member food banks, as well as to engage the entire country in the fight to solve the problem of widespread hunger.
Ways that Feeding America is Working to Solve Hunger:
- Through a huge network of food-supplying establishments, including 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries as well as meal programs.
- By distributing meals to over 37 million people in need all over the U.S. within the past year, including 3 million seniors, and 15 million children.
It is our mission at True Citrus to help Feeding America deliver 1-million more meals in 2016-2017. This is our way to honor the constant effort of our customers in their goal to lead healthy lives, while also supporting the health and wellness of others in need.
Ways You Can Help End Hunger:
- Use your True Citrus product to donate a meal! Input the UPC code from any True Citrus product and click Donate Meal Now. It's as simple as that.
- Give up one morning coffee to make a monetary donation. Just one dollar donated to Feeding America provides TEN meals to those in need.
- Contact your local food bank about helping the fight against hunger.
- Spread the word on social media about Feeding America and True Citrus to get others involved!
For more information about our partnership with Feeding America, check out this link and let us know in the comments what you're doing to help combat hunger in America!